You can be a part of what the Lord is doing here at God’s Appalachian Partnership by helping complete the new Distribution/Office Building. $300,000 is needed to finish the building and purchase the needed furnishings. This amount does not include the parking lot and landscape which will be additional costs. The giving pyramid shows how […]

“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and faithfulness.” The first verse of Psalm 115 was on our minds and hearts as God’s Appalachian Partnership celebrated 25 years of dedicated ministry here in the mountains of eastern Kentucky during a weekend-long […]

Amid God’s Appalachian Partnership’s 25th Anniversary Celebration and our largest building project, this summer has been packed full of ministry! In addition to Constructors for Christ who came over 5 weeks bringing 318 volunteers representing 71 churches from 10 different states, we hosted 8 different church teams totaling 96 volunteers from 4 different states. In […]

In 2010, GAP’s cofounders, Angie and Lynn Wagoner had a vision of securing property where God’s Appalachian Partnership could build a permanent ministry home and discontinue having to rent ministry space. The following year, 2011, this vision became a reality when God miraculously provided the land with the generous help of a partner church. Years […]

There is so much excitement here at God’s Appalachian Partnership as we step out in faith and begin this long-awaited building project. With the help of a partnering church, GAP purchased land to build on in 2011. Ever since then, it has been a dream of one day building a new distribution/office building upon this […]