We all love the smile a gift on Christmas morning brings upon the face of a child. However, it is even more rewarding to see that child carefully and thoughtfully select a gift for their parent, grandparent, or guardian. It is a selfless act that teaches that child how it is better to give than to receive. Parents’ Store is a ministry event of God’s Appalachian Partnership where children ages Head Start to 5th grade shop for 2 adult family members, wrap the gifts themselves, and then take them home to give on Christmas morning. It is a joyfully heartwarming event where we are given the opportunity to present the true meaning of Christmas to the entire family.
Christmas in July is an opportunity for you to partner with us this Christmas in sharing the Gospel with children and families here in the Appalachian Mountains of eastern Kentucky. God’s Appalachian Partnership needs gifts for men and women that the children can choose from at the Parents’ Store. I wish I could express the care and thought each child puts into selecting their gifts. So here is how your church/small group can partner this July in Christmas in July 2023!
1. Promote this mission opportunity, Christmas in July 2023, to your church/small group using the provided bulletin inserts/flyers, announcement image, and letter.
2. Become familiar with material, links, registries, in case someone in your church has a question.
3. Respond back to John at GAP, john.morris@gapky.org, to let him know your church/small group has decided to participate in Christmas in July so the GAP staff can pray for your church/small group throughout July. We would love to share photos and stories after Parents’ Store 2023 in December with each participating group.
4. Contact John with any questions that may arise during the event.
5. Encourage individuals as they purchase items from the registries to pray for the children and families that will receive them. Pray God will use the specific items as a reminder of His great love and provision.
Below are the gift registries we have set up. Each registry contains gifts that range in price from $5 to $20. We ask that all items be shipped to our GAP office address located in the registry. There are some gift cards that are listed in the registry, and this is because Amazon allows us to purchase things left unpurchased in the registry at the close of the date at a % off and closer to Christmas we can purchase some gift sets that are not available throughout the year. You or your group may purchase items that are not on our registries but are similar in nature. You can either purchase directly from the registry or use it as a guide for items we believe go well at the Parents’ Store.
Amazon Gift Registry Link: https://www.amazon.com/registries/gl/guest-view/AUZOMWEQ0ZQO
Walmart Gift Registry Link: https://www.walmart.com/registry/ER/7f998e75-ce8e-4229-9f5e-edc9a928a63f
Christmas in July Informative Letter