We assist parents of disadvantaged families in Eastern Kentucky by helping them give their children quality gifts each Christmas. Throughout the year, GAP collects new toys and age-appropriate gifts and stocks a toy room at our warehouse. In December, parents are given an opportunity to go through the toy room and select gifts which they can give to their children on Christmas.
(Click above image to download a printable pdf sponsorship form.)
We also work in cooperation with the managers of low-income apartment complexes to gather names of needy families. The gifts are then carefully selected by our staff, with each child in mind, and given to their parents so they can personally give the gifts to their children.
You can partner with God’s Appalachian Partnership in reaching out to needy families this Christmas by sponsoring gifts for a child. $40 of each tax deductible sponsorship will be used to purchase gift items to stock our toy room and $3 will be used to cover the costs of running the Christmas Project.
Children also get an opportunity to pick out gifts for their parents during our Children’s Christmas Store. Mission team members assist the kids with picking out gifts and wrapping them while parents are treated to snacks as they wait. The mission team shares the story of Christmas through a special presentation to the kids and their parents.
How To Get Involved
The Christmas Project takes place over three weeks in December, please see our online calendar for the exact dates. For more information and to volunteer please contact John Morris at john.morris@gapky.org
What We Need
Gift Items
Sponsorships: $43 will sponsor gifts for one child
New toys
New gift items for teens and adults
Individuals/Groups to:
Serve as a personal shopper for parents while sharing the true meaning of Christmas
Prepare and serve lunches at the Christmas Store
Shoppers: individuals that will shop during the year to stock the store or specifically for children whose parents are not able to shop at our store