Monthly Archives: September 2014

Heartland Worship Center

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Heartland Worship Center is a faithful partner of GAP for the last several years. The church sends about 4 teams each year to serve alongside of us. Their July 2014 trip was an exciting time as they came to serve and bring the gospel to the kids at Weeksbury. They had Bible lessons, games, crafts, and food that brought many children to the Weeksbury Park to hear the Gospel. They had 3 salvations and 1 rededication. Praise the Lord!

Following are some short testimonies from Heartland’s July 2014 team:

“This trip was my second year coming to GAP. I got to witness God working more this year than last year. I built on relationships that I had started last year and started some new relationships this year. There was one little girl that stole my heart and God laid it on my heart to show her the love of Christ. One way I showed her Christ’s love was by washing her hands. I realized that was I was doing was almost a mirror image of what Christ did to His disciples by washing their feet. I hope and pray that God will allow me to keep going to GAP and build more on all these relationships. I will continue to pray for this little girl and all of my friends in McDowell and Weeksbury, KY.”
– Joe Krempasky

“On Tuesday, we worked at the distribution center and BeansTalk. I had a great experience bonding and giving two four year old girls their first Bible. Emily (all names have been changed) was the first girl and I really connected with and her cousin Kathy. I was painting Emily’s nails and she saw the Bible sitting beside her and asked what the book was. She was in preschool and couldn’t read the book cover yet so I told her it said, “Beginner’s Children’s Bible.” I read and explained to her Genesis 1:1. Her grandma was there with her and asked if she could have a Bible for her cousin that was sick and couldn’t attend that day. I went through a box and found Bibles that were blank that I could write their names in. As soon as I put the Bible in Emily’s hands she started flipping through the pages and looking at the pictures. Before she left she gave me a big smile and a hug. That really made my week the best week I could ever have! My prayers go to her and her family to do well. I miss her. This was the highlight of my week at GAP!”
-Charli Siener
Age 12

“This was my first mission trip and I had no idea what to expect. From the very first day I could tell God was going to do great things through us in the upcoming week. The part I loved most was going to see all the kids at Weeksbury. On the first day of visiting there, I found myself a little buddy. She was a 7 year old girl that totally stole my heart. After helping her with some crafts, we went and sat on the swings together as I told her all about God and how much He loves her. She would quietly listen and agree with everything I told her. That very day I went and bought her a children’s Bible and wrote her a note in the front to encourage her to read it. The next day I saw her and gave it to her she loved it and read the note to her dad. Later that day her dad came up to me, pulled me aside, and gave me big hug and thanked me for all I had done for her. I could tell God was working through me to touch that man and his daughter. That trip gave me opportunities to show God’s love and form relationships I plan to keep for the rest of my life. I definitely see things in a whole new light now and can’t wait to serve God more!”
– Jessie Pafford

Thank you Heartland Worship Center for your faithful partnership and ministry!

Furniture Sale 2014

On September 8, 2014, we held GAP’s annual furniture sale. This event allows our clients to purchase new and used furniture at a great price. Prices range from $1.00 to $30.00 per item or set of furniture. All funds from this event go into a special account that is used to help clients during emergency situations throughout the year. This allows our clients to purchase furniture they need and at the same time help fellow clients. Although we do sale all the furniture to clients there are some clients due to a recent house fire or other extreme cases that are able to receive furniture at no cost to them.

One of the greatest furniture needs our clients have is for mattresses and bedding. I helped a husband and wife shop who had six children. They stated their only need was beds at this time. They wanted two beds: one twin bed for their two boys to share and one full bed for their four girls to share. This family of eight for the last several weeks had been sleeping just on blankets in the floor. They had to get rid of the three mattresses they previously had due to bed bugs. When this family arrived we only had 3 mattress sets left at the sale. The couple was so excited about getting these mattresses for their children. We fit the twin inside their minivan and we tied a queen set to the roof. When I asked if they could come back for the third queen mattress set their response was, “Two is all we need. We don’t want to take from someone else who needs it worst than we do. Me and my wife are fine sleeping on the floor.” When they asked how much they owed, I responded “No charge.” The man’s response was “Thank you, Jesus!”

This event reminded me of GAP’s theme verse for the year, “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven” Matthew 5:16. (NASB) This is what we are called to do at GAP. We allow God’s light to shine through us as we do “good works”. But these “good works” have a purpose. They are to point people to our Father. When this man responded, “Thank you, Jesus!” he was glorifying our Father in Heaven. God had met a real physical need in his life and he recognized it was a work of God not GAP.

Another family who came to the sale had been homeless for several months and had just gotten into a house. The man had lost his leg due to diabetes and was not able to get into his former home. This led the family to be homeless seeking shelter in different area homeless shelters. God has now provided them a house to rent and they received a load of furniture for their new house. It is such a blessing to be a part of God’s work!
I would like to say thank you to our partner Smoke Rise Baptist Church in GA. Throughout the past year, this church had collected two trailers full of furniture for this year’s sale. A group of men delivered the furniture and a couple even stayed and were a huge help in loading the furniture into clients’ vehicles. We also had another mission team who showed such servant hearts as they worked at the furniture sale, South Gate Baptist Church from MO. This team served as personal shoppers for our clients during the sale and also helped load furniture. South Gate Baptist Church did a wonderful job talking with our clients and helping them at this sale.

The event was a great success! I appreciate all the staff, volunteers and mission teams who worked together.  (Please click on the image to view more pictures of Furniture Sale 2014.)DSC_0353

KidStock 2014

KidStock 2014 was a huge success! 413 children received a backpack, school supplies, new shoes and socks, and heard the Gospel message during our annual back-to-school event.

As families arrived, each child was given a backpack and name tag. There were carnival type games throughout the park where kids could play and win school supplies. At a given appointment time, families formed small cluster groups. These small groups moved together through 3 different stations. At the first station, families were presented the Gospel Message and backpack tags that represented the Gospel. Then the clusters moved to the second station where a short skit was presented telling the story of Jesus washing the disciple’s feet. After that each child had an adult volunteer wash his/her feet and share the Gospel again. Then each child was presented with a new pair of socks and new shoes. Words cannot describe how excited some of these kids were with their shoes. So many children would tell me that the shoes they received were their favorite color.

The Word of God and the Gospel was shared throughout the day in various ways. At the end of the day we have record that 41 people made decisions for Christ! Praise the Lord! Some repented and accepted God’s salvation and others rededicated their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. It was a wonderful day of ministry!

Read what others had to say about KidStock 2014!

“This was my first year coming to KidStock with my church. After hearing several testimonies about this ministry at GAP I came with very high expectations and a lot of excitement. The reality of KidStock truly blew my mind and humbled me. As I was washing the feet of children and helping them try on new shoes I was reminded of how my God is the God of provision. This ministry not only provides school supplies and new shoes to these kids, it gives them the opportunity to hear of the hope that’s found only in Christ. And as I got the opportunity to minister to these children and their families I appreciated more and more the hard work, the effort, time, and sweat that the team at GAP puts into this wonderful ministry. God bless you all at GAP for allowing me to be a part of this!”

Jeremy Pope
Pastor of Freedom Baptist Church
Standford, KY

“I was able to go with my church group this year to partner with the GAP during this annual KidStock outreach. During that day, I got to spend a brief time in the foot washing area. I can certainly say that the experience was humbling and, at the same time, it was also such an honor. It was difficult to look into their eyes knowing that the God of the universe has a plan and such promise for them and yet wonder what can be said in a few brief minutes that would help them understand how much God loves them. I also had the mother of one small child whose feet I washed, as well as another gentleman later that day come and talk with me elsewhere at the event. Without question, all combined my most memorable and treasured day at the GAP so far!”

Elizabeth Williams
Freedom Baptist Church
Standford, KY

This is what we are all about here at GAP – ministry evangelism. We seek to meet people at their point of need and to always share with them the love of Jesus Christ and His Gospel Message! During KidStock 2014, families came with a need for school supplies but they left with much more – the message of Jesus Christ!

KidStock 2014 was such a success because of our many partners like you. 109 volunteers from six different churches and the Left Beaver Fire Department helped during this event. We also were blessed to have Kentucky Raceway Ministries and Pit Stop Challenge with us this year. I praise God for all our volunteers who gave of themselves to share the Gospel. I would also like to praise God for hundreds of others who sponsored a child, donated supplies and prayed for this event. Thank you all for your partnership, support and prayers. God truly blessed KidStock 2014 in a mighty way. Please join us in giving praise to the Father! (Please click on the photo to see more pictures of KidStock 2014.)

KidStock 2014

Central Baptist Church 2014

Central Baptist from Paris KY have done a wonderful job in being flexible for the week. Their first day began with some heavy rain so it delayed their construction project and the ladies ended up shopping for distribution in the rain. But all came out dry as they were able to finish the construction project, ministered to the seniors, the group home and did a VBS at the townhomes. Thanks for being so flexible guys. You are a blessing! (Please click on group picture to see more photos.)DSCN2619

Evangel Baptist Church 2014

Evangel Baptist Church is from Pennsylvania and they not only have shared the gospel but lived it. Michael N. has a roof over his home and Nason S. has a new bathroom. We’ve also enjoyed some fellowship at each home with barbeque and some picking and grinning on the guitars. The ladies have cut hair all week and have developed some sweet relations with the clients. They blessed the folks at the group home with more music and of course the wonderful snack bag that they all get. God Bless You! (Please click on group picture to see more photos.)DSCN2497