We are excited to announce that God’s Appalachian Partnership is accepting applicants for our Summer Internship Program and two full time staff. For our internship program, we are looking for Christ-centered, college age, highly motivated adults who would love to serve alongside us this summer for a minimum of 10 weeks. GAP will work with you to customize an internship that fits your needs, skills, and experience. You will be working with a dynamic group of staff members who have a passion for service and want to see you grow and develop. We promise to be accessible and share with you what we have learned over the past 20+ years serving in eastern Kentucky. All interns will be provided with training activities in leadership development, professional practice skills, and team development. We will also provide interns with a stipend as well as housing. If you would like more information or would like to apply to be an intern, please click on the image above.
God’s Appalachian Partnership is also looking for two mature Christians to join our ministry team who are highly motivated and have a servant’s heart for the people of eastern Kentucky. Please reach out to our Executive Director, John Morris at john.morris@gapky.org for more information and to receive an application. Please join us in praying that the Lord will raise up individuals to fill these staff and intern positions!