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Heartland Worship Center is a faithful partner of GAP for the last several years. The church sends about 4 teams each year to serve alongside of us. Their July 2014 trip was an exciting time as they came to serve and bring the gospel to the kids at Weeksbury. They had Bible lessons, games, crafts, and food that brought many children to the Weeksbury Park to hear the Gospel. They had 3 salvations and 1 rededication. Praise the Lord!
Following are some short testimonies from Heartland’s July 2014 team:
“This trip was my second year coming to GAP. I got to witness God working more this year than last year. I built on relationships that I had started last year and started some new relationships this year. There was one little girl that stole my heart and God laid it on my heart to show her the love of Christ. One way I showed her Christ’s love was by washing her hands. I realized that was I was doing was almost a mirror image of what Christ did to His disciples by washing their feet. I hope and pray that God will allow me to keep going to GAP and build more on all these relationships. I will continue to pray for this little girl and all of my friends in McDowell and Weeksbury, KY.”
– Joe Krempasky
“On Tuesday, we worked at the distribution center and BeansTalk. I had a great experience bonding and giving two four year old girls their first Bible. Emily (all names have been changed) was the first girl and I really connected with and her cousin Kathy. I was painting Emily’s nails and she saw the Bible sitting beside her and asked what the book was. She was in preschool and couldn’t read the book cover yet so I told her it said, “Beginner’s Children’s Bible.” I read and explained to her Genesis 1:1. Her grandma was there with her and asked if she could have a Bible for her cousin that was sick and couldn’t attend that day. I went through a box and found Bibles that were blank that I could write their names in. As soon as I put the Bible in Emily’s hands she started flipping through the pages and looking at the pictures. Before she left she gave me a big smile and a hug. That really made my week the best week I could ever have! My prayers go to her and her family to do well. I miss her. This was the highlight of my week at GAP!”
-Charli Siener
Age 12
“This was my first mission trip and I had no idea what to expect. From the very first day I could tell God was going to do great things through us in the upcoming week. The part I loved most was going to see all the kids at Weeksbury. On the first day of visiting there, I found myself a little buddy. She was a 7 year old girl that totally stole my heart. After helping her with some crafts, we went and sat on the swings together as I told her all about God and how much He loves her. She would quietly listen and agree with everything I told her. That very day I went and bought her a children’s Bible and wrote her a note in the front to encourage her to read it. The next day I saw her and gave it to her she loved it and read the note to her dad. Later that day her dad came up to me, pulled me aside, and gave me big hug and thanked me for all I had done for her. I could tell God was working through me to touch that man and his daughter. That trip gave me opportunities to show God’s love and form relationships I plan to keep for the rest of my life. I definitely see things in a whole new light now and can’t wait to serve God more!”
– Jessie Pafford
Thank you Heartland Worship Center for your faithful partnership and ministry!