We have been strategizing a game plan for Christmas ministry for several weeks now. Christmas Project 2020 will be different from previous years because of Covid-19, but we are preparing for a wonderful season of gifts and celebration of our Lord and Savior. GAP’s 2020 limited edition Christmas ornaments arrived a couple weeks ago, which has increased our staff’s excitement. It was with a heavy heart we had to cancel our Easter and back-to-school ministry events, but after much prayer and planning we are preparing for an exciting Christmas Project 2020. However, this year more than ever, we need the prayers and support of all of our donors.
Several aspects will be changing this year. One of the biggest will be not having mission teams helping at the store. Parents’ Store, where children shop for their parents, has been cancelled. In the last couple years, we have had 4 days of traditional Christmas Store, one day of deliveries, and one day at Weeksbury for a total of 6 days. With the current guidelines of Covid-19 it will take us 12 days to accomplish the same and with no mission teams. Plus, we have decided to try and do a lot of shopping online compared to in person to keep down exposure, allowing us to begin early, and enabling us as a staff to shop at a pace we can handle with little help.
We need your help to share the Good News of the Savior with many families in our area. We believe there will be a huge need during this time, which provides a massive opportunity to share the story of Jesus with those who are hurting and are hopeless. Please consider sponsoring a child/children and encouraging your friends and family to sponsor also. Join us in praying for this Christmas ministry.