The 2013 Community Easter Egg Hunt
The staff and volunteers of GAP have been sowing seeds for nearly fourteen years in the southern end of Floyd County. We were thankful that God did not choose to literally water the earth on the day of the 2013 Community Easter Egg Hunt. Despite the cold, cloudy day, it is estimated that 800 people attended the event. Both kids and adults raced to find the prize eggs. Puppets, clowns, games and face painting were among the activities of the day. The story of God’s ultimate sacrifice for us was told; food for the body and soul was provided. We did our best to plant and water the seeds of the Gospel in as many ways possible.
“I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.”- I Corinthians 3:6
We have been very intentional in presenting the Gospel at all of our community events. This one was no exception, but we have never had a response like this one. Seventy-three adults wanted to know more about having a personal relationship with Christ. We have been doing follow up for the past month with these individuals. The visits with these people have been exciting. Helena was saved and wanted to know what to do next. Heather was looking for someone to go to church with. She said she felt funny going alone. We have plans to meet her outside the church on Sunday so she doesn’t have to walk in alone. Christy said she went to church but didn’t know about a “personal relationship”. She made a profession of faith on the phone with Kathy. Amanda cried for an hour as I shared with her about God’s love and grace. She left wanting some time to think on what had been shared. She did ask if we could talk again. She came in this week, hugged my neck and thanked me for sharing. She said, “I made the decision. I am attending Victory Baptist Church with my sister.”
We are thankful for the opportunity to plant, to water and to watch God give the increase.